My friend, Jerome Hudson, former intern of The Morning Show, is the Entertainment Editor for He is also the author of the "50 Things..." books. He has a third book coming, my guess is sometime next year, but I think it's going to be something along the lines of "50 Things They Don't Want You To Know About Democrats" or words to that effect.
To be clear, despite my best efforts to get him to give me the topic, he hasn't, so this is my best prognostication. It's based, in part, on the fact many liberals are waking up. Hundreds of thousands of them are learning the ugly truth about the Democrat party. Remember: while I think the GOP is a safer place to be, I do not advocate leaving one to join the other. I support fleeing the Dems. In doing so you are leaving the party of the KKK, socialism & communism, addiction (to government), death (abortion), intolerance, etc.
Always remember: Illiberals are and do what they accuse other of being and doing.
Brandon Straka founded the WalkAway Campaign (look up his will ring very, very true). Like-minded are continuing the leave the Dems and here is another WalkAway story.